Super U Sarah Bernhardt

Super U Sarah Bernhardt


Super U Rennes

Nine out of ten French people attach importance to sustainable development in their purchases !

As a socially-responsible brand, U is committed to meeting the expectations of its customers, and is stepping up its initiatives in this area to promote a form of commerce that benefits everyone.


Through U products, the brand's 1st ambassadors, in the partnerships forged with local producers, in taking sustainable development into account right from the construction of the shops...

To embody these actions, the U shops have launched the U Eco Raison signature, the common thread running through all their sustainable development initiatives.

Parcours des déchets collectés par les Magasins U

      The Green Marathon at Rennes School of Business offers 6 events (marathon, relay, duo, 10 km, Women's, and Family Walk) all of which are part of an environmental approach: 1 km traveled = 1 tree planted!