Lamotte 10KM

Lamotte 10KM

Discover the night race: The Lamotte 10km FFA Gold International Label. Take up the challenge of a 100% urban course open to all!


Join us on Saturday 25 October 2025 on the Mail François Mitterrand in Rennes for the start of the Lamotte 10 km!


The Lamotte 10 km is an accessible, mixed race in the heart of Brittany's capital. This year, the race will take place on Saturday evening, at night. The start will be on the Mail François Mitterrand and the finish, as every year, on the Esplanade Charles de Gaulle. This race is suitable for both seasoned athletes and beginners at this distance. Do you want to run your first 10km or beat a record? Sign up now!



With all the races of the Marathon Vert Rennes School of Business, we run for the planet! For every 2 km covered, whether walking or running, 1 tree will be planted with the Yves Rocher Foundation. By taking part in the 10KM Lamotte, you will help plant 5 trees! 



  • 100% course in Rennes city centre
  • Race measured and approved under the FFA Gold International label
  • Flat course (+25m gradient) and fast in the streets of Rennes
  • Race number with timing chip
  • You must provide a certificate (paper, electronic or QR Code) indicating that the person has completed the Health Prevention Course (or ‘PPS’) set up by the FFA via its dedicated platform, the conditions of use of which will also be established by the FFA: To be valid, the PPS must have been completed no more than three months before the date of the event for which the person wishes to register.
  • The event is open to runners with an FFA competition licence, Pass Runinng and non-licensed runners born in 2010 or earlier.



You can leave your bag at the start and pick it up at the finish!

  • Drop off at the start: Mail François Mitterrand
  • Pick-up on arrival: Esplanade Charles de Gaulle



  • At the finish: Yves Rocher beauty products and a surprise prize

  • Diploma for the race: time - ranking - number of trees planted to be downloaded from the ‘Results’ page on the Klikego website



Getting to the start

The start is on the Mail François Mitterrand

Accessibility: République station line A (7min walk) / Mabilais station line B (6min walk)


How to get to the finish

The finish is on the Esplanade Charles de Gaulle

Access: Charles de Gaulle station line A (0min walk) / Colombier station line B (4min walk)

The Route

Parcours 10km

Pace Leaders

Performance volunteers will be on hand to run the 10KM (1 volunteer per time trial), based on the time run. Reminder: Scratch time: official time taken at the gun shot - Run time: actual race time. The stopwatch starts when you cross the line. You start your stopwatch when you cross the start line. You don't need to ‘make up time’ to cross the line. At the start, the volunteers divide up the peloton according to the target times:
32‘ - 33’ - 34‘ - 35’ - 36‘ - 37’ - 38‘ - 40’ - 42‘ - 45’ - 50'


Find out about all the additional options when you register on the website of our partner Klikego: results by SMS, cancellation insurance, sending of race number.


There will be food and drink stands at the 5th kilometre of the course and at the finish.

    The Green Marathon at Rennes School of Business offers 6 events (marathon, relay, duo, 10 km, Women's, and Family Walk) all of which are part of an environmental approach: 1 km traveled = 1 tree planted!