The Marathon Vert  Rennes School of Business application

The Marathon Vert Rennes School of Business application

    The Marathon Vert rennes school of business PRESENTS ITS MOBILE APPLICATION !

    This application has been designed to be your best ally in getting the most out of Marathon Vert Rennes School of Business.


    Race information, number collection, winners... And even a live feed on the day so that your friends and family can follow your progress live.

    Whether you're a runner, a volunteer or just a spectator, we'll relay all the information you need for the event !


    To download the app, available on Apple and Android, you don't even need to create an account, and none of your data is collected !



    You can follow your loved ones in real time using the app. What's involved ?
    1) Download the application
    2) On race day, go to the Live Tracking section
    3) Search for friends and family by name or race number

    Download links :
    Android :

      The Green Marathon at Rennes School of Business offers 6 events (marathon, relay, duo, 10 km, Women's, and Family Walk) all of which are part of an environmental approach: 1 km traveled = 1 tree planted!