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Rennes School of Business is an international business school based in Rennes, Brittany. Its mission is to prepare, through teaching and research, responsible and innovative managers to operate effectively in a globalised environment.



With a unique faculty of 90% permanent international professors and 5,000 students, Rennes School of Business is distinguished by its intercultural community of 110 nationalities.


At Rennes School of Business, we believe that education should no longer lock students into a framework, but allow them to think outside the box. Thinking outside the box means keeping your eyes open to other cultures. We don't just open our students up to the world, we bring it to them.


“Unframed Thinking” IS OUR MOTTO

It means learning differently, in order to undertake differently. Exploring new fields, looking for answers to the questions we'll be asking ourselves tomorrow, creating a more inventive, more creative and ultimately... more human future.



Discover Rennes School of Business

      The Green Marathon at Rennes School of Business offers 6 events (marathon, relay, duo, 10 km, Women's, and Family Walk) all of which are part of an environmental approach: 1 km traveled = 1 tree planted!